Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Story For U...

从前,有一个脾气很坏的男孩. 他的爸爸给了他一袋钉子,告诉他,每次发脾气或者跟人吵架的时候,就在院子的篱笆上钉一根。

第一天,男孩钉了37根钉子。后面的几天他学会了控制自己的脾气,每天钉的钉子也逐渐减少了。 他发现,控制自己的脾气,实际上比钉钉子要容易的多。

终于有一天,他一根钉子都没有钉,他高兴的把这件事告诉了爸爸。 爸爸说:'从今以后,如果你一天都没有发脾气,就可以在这天拔掉一根钉子.'

日子一天一天过去,最后,钉子全被拔光了。 爸爸带他来到篱笆边上,对他说:'儿子,你做得很好,可是看看篱笆上的钉子洞,这些洞永远也不可能恢复了。 就象你和一个人吵架,说了些难听的话,你就在他心里留下了一个伤口,像这个钉子洞一样。 '插一把刀子在一个人的身体里,再拔出来,伤口就难以愈合了。

无论你怎么道歉,伤口总是在那儿。要知道,身体上的伤口和心灵上的伤口一样都难以恢复。 你的朋友是你宝贵的财产,他们让你开怀,让你更勇敢。他们总是随时倾听你的忧伤。你需要他们的时候,他们会支持你,向你敞开心扉。

最后,我要说:'友谊的幸福之一,是知道可以向谁倾吐秘密。' 所以,不要找借口, 决定为你的朋友们作一些事. 当你说:'你是我的好朋友'时,请认真的说出来。当你道歉时请看着对方的眼睛。 永远不要嘲笑别人的梦想。不要随便给一个人定性。说话时要慢,思想时要快。 打电话的时候请你微笑,对方一定感觉得到。^^

Prayer Isn't Easy...

I find the discipline of prayer to be challenging. There is a sense in which this reality perplexes me. Typically, I find that the more I engage in an activity the more adept I become in that activity. The exception to this rule in my life has been prayer.

I pray everyday and, as I read the Scriptures more and more, I struggle less with knowing what I ought to be praying for. Even still, I find prayer to be a challenge. As I pray, I struggle to focus. I struggle to keep distracting thoughts at bay. I struggle to appropriately engage my emotions for the things I’m praying about. I may pray everyday, but I confess there are occasions when I go for hours without even thinking about my need to communicate with God. That’s not good. I realize that goes against the instruction of the apostle Paul, who writes, “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

I want to be focused in my prayers. I want to pray for the things that matter most to God. And I want to care immensely about the things I’m praying for. I don’t want to simply say prayers; I want to pray. I want to wrestle with God’s will, and I want Him to wrestle back, bending my will to His.

Prayer isn’t easy……but it is essential!!!

How do you find prayer? What do you find to be most challenging? Most exciting? Most perplexing? Most rewarding?

God bless U...

Monday, April 14, 2008


圣经说:"一个人心怎样思想,他的为人就怎样" (箴言 20:7)

心里的光景流露于言行,眼眶里的清晰与暗淡, 映照心里的一切.

心,在想什么, 就被什么侵占.

若消极思想, 人就消沉;
若狂大自傲, 人就轻浮;
若喜讲是非, 人就批评;
若贪小便宜, 人就狭窄;
若斤斤计较, 人就痛苦.

心, 要多思想真理, 因真理的光会映照心房.
真诚的心, 才能流露真诚的言行, 才能见证真理.
忠于真理, 落在生命在真理中, 就是谦卑敞开心门降服与真理前.
愿意每一天让真理光照, 更新与改变.

实践真理, 体现真理内涵在生活中,

圣经中每一句真理必须用一生的精力, 去思量,去体会...

正如保罗说:" 凡是真实的,可敬的,公义的,清洁的,可爱的,有美名的.若有什么德行, 若有什么称赞, 这些事你们都要思念." (腓4:8)

让思维的每一空间浸透在真理光中, 如此, 一生的果效必因真理而丰盛, 提升,及更加美丽.



Sunday, April 13, 2008

AGL's Delicacy Movie - GGL GenTinG TrIp 2007

Fantastic n Awesome Trip!!! Miss this trip so much...Through Tis Trip, we get noe each others better n we built up our friendship...I hope tat we stil have another awesome trips every semester break (To be Frank, i m veli boring here rite nw...)...Be Cheer..My dear AGL's members...We r the BEST!!! Happy Holidays~~~MEet u GuyS NeXt SemEsTeR...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

4 MaJOR FiElds of the BiOtEChNolOgY...

Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas, including health care (medical), crop production and agriculture, non food (industrial) uses of crops and other products (e.g. biodegradable plastics, vegetable oil, biofuels), and environmental uses.

For example, one application of biotechnology is the directed use of organisms for the manufacture of organic products (examples include beer and milk products). Another example is using naturally present bacteria by the mining industry in bioleaching. Biotechnology is also used to recycle, treat waste, clean up sites contaminated by industrial activities (bioremediation), and also to produce biological weapons.

A series of derived terms have been coined to identify several branches of biotechnology, for example:

Red biotechnology is applied to medical processes. Some examples are the designing of organisms to produce antibiotics, and the engineering of genetic cures through genomic manipulation.

Green biotechnology is biotechnology applied to agricultural processes. An example would be the selection and domestication of plants via micro propagation. Another example is the designing of transgenic plants to grow under specific environmental conditions or in the presence (or absence) of certain agricultural chemicals. One hope is that green biotechnology might produce more environmentally friendly solutions than traditional industrial agriculture. An example of this is the engineering of a plant to express a pesticide, thereby eliminating the need for external application of pesticides. An example of this would be Bt corn. Whether or not green biotechnology products such as this are ultimately more environmentally friendly is a topic of considerable debate.

White biotechnology , also known as industrial biotechnology, is biotechnology applied to industrial processes. An example is the designing of an organism to produce a useful chemical. Another example is the using of enzymes as industrial catalysts to either produce valuable chemicals or destroy hazardous/polluting chemicals (examples using oxidoreductases are given in Feng Xu (2005) “Applications of oxidoreductases: Recent progress” Ind. Biotechnol. 1, 38-50 [1]). White biotechnology tends to consume less in resources than traditional processes used to produce industrial goods.

Blue biotechnology is a term that has been used to describe the marine and aquatic applications of biotechnology, but its use is relatively rare.
The investments and economic output of all of these types of applied biotechnologies form what has been described as the bioeconomy.

Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field which addresses biological problems using computational techniques, and makes the rapid organization and analysis of biological data possible. The field may also be referred to as computational biology, and can be defined as, "conceptualizing biology in terms of molecules and then applying informatics techniques to understand and organize the information associated with these molecules, on a large scale."[5] Bioinformatics plays a key role in various areas, such as functional genomics, structural genomics, and proteomics, and forms a key component in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Foundation 毕业了!!!

去年的这个时候, 心中还在想着未来的路要如何走,要念什么,毕业了又要作什么工...一大堆的问题被烦着...哇,真是伤透脑筋啊!!!还记得,去年2007,那时3个月的短宣毕业,SPM成绩也出炉了,之后就到Global Agency去办升学计划...那时,脑袋想着要念Biotech,同时又觉得Accounting也不错麻, 大有前途!!!咳,好记得,那时我还回学校问一些中学老师的意见,她们有的赞成,有的说我国的Biotech还不上轨道,前途一片茫茫等...结果,挣扎了几天,我还是硬着头皮坚持我要念Biotech...

之后就决定出来KL的UCSI念Foundation.不知不觉,在KL混的日子将近一年了!!!我终于念了13科很肤浅很费的科目(General Biology, General Chemistry, Calculus, Basic Concept of Maths, Algebra & Trigonometry, General Physics, Intro to Business, Intro to Probability & Statistics, Accounting Practice,Computing Studies, Computing Essentials, Moral Studies and Malaysian Studies)...这时候,可以正式宣布毕业了!!!下个学期,我就要向Biotechnology荣誉学士迈开步伐前进了!!!


Erm, 在KL的日子里,我还过得不错...缺少了家人在身边,日子还是一样,可是家务一大堆都是自己一个人搞定了!!!哈哈,我发现人类越发明,我们就越懒惰...就好比洗衣服的时候,有时我真的很烦躁.因为哦,洗衣服不只要把衣服丢进洗衣机,还要将他们吊起,晒干,之后就是我最讨厌的折衣服.咳,好多步骤哦!! 有时,心中想有个机器人是多么好的哦!!~~哈哈!!!午餐晚餐就在外面茶室解决了...有空的时候,就去Shopping,逛街...当然,出来KL还是不可以忘记教会啊...我每个星期五参加晚祷会,星期六参加青年团,星期日崇拜和诗班...有时,星期一,我也会出席唐崇荣牧师的圣经解答聚会...

这时候,心中突然想着三年后毕业了,我会是个怎样的人呢? 一个热爱生物的傻佬子,一个拼了老命终于毕业的大学生?还是预备回家当农夫的大男人?或者继续升学拿硕士学位?还是要改行了?哇,做么这么没有方向啊?是不是最近受到太多的冷水啦?我想应该是吧!!!咳...很多长者劝告我说,Biotech是没有前途的,很渺茫的,毕业=失业...真是无奈啊!!!

无论如何,我相信我的选择是对的,我有一天一定会出人头地的,创出一片美好的未来...所以,这三年里一定要好好进修,研究生物科技到底怎样影响这个世界的定律,然后,带领这个科技走在最前端...我相信这十几年里,生物科技一定会代替电子科技的...我们可以想象一下,现在的家庭用户(5人一家)需求量:电脑-1,电视-2,电话-4;可是对于食品,健康产品呢? 我想这都是家庭主妇烦恼的事情吧?有了生物科技,我们肯定可以研发很多的保健产品哦!!!那时候,一个人也许需要3-5件的保健产品咯!!!那时,商业市场肯定"大开言笑"哦!!!这只是Biotech的一部分哦,其实我们人类很需要生物科技知识来建立更美好的生活喔!!!

Strike Ur Goals, Davey...

AGL's Delicacy Movie - Specially for Lina who is pursuing her studies in Singapore

Friday, April 4, 2008

BIOTECH Plan On Track

KUALA LUMPUR: The first phase of the Biotech Master Plan (2005-2020) is on track, according to Science Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili.

He said that currently there were 56 BioNexus-status companies, and about 70 more companies were being targeted to achieve the status by year-end.

“The total investment to date is RM1bil from the 56 companies and we are targeting RM20bil by 2010.

“There is now a network of 15 universities and 11 research institutes throughout Malaysia linked to BioNexus and biotech companies,” he told reporters after his first working visit to Malaysian Biotechnology Corp Sdn Bhd (BiotechCorp) near here yesterday.

Dr Ongkili said they were targeting 40,000 knowledge workers by 2010, which at the moment stood at slightly over 1,000.

He said one key sector that they were looking at was the development of bio-fuel from non-food sources.

“I will fine-tune the plans with Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui,” he said, adding that he hoped to meet Chin in the next few weeks.
BiotechCorp chief executive officer Datuk Iskandar Mizal Mahmood said 75% of the 206 recruits in the 2007 training programme had obtained placements in biotechnology-related companies and agencies for industrial training.

He said that 25% of them had already been employed by these companies.

Iskandar said BiotechCorp, which was established in 2005 under the National Biotechnology Policy, was confident it would be able to achieve the goals of the Biotech Master Plan after acquiring an exclusive worldwide licence to a nanotechnology platform from France last year.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

DeLiveR sOmE DeliCatE WorDs to My beloved Masland Youth Fellowship 50th Anniversary Celebration...

Happy Birthday…福少50岁啦!!!






末了,我为福少50周年筹备会的精心筹备感到感动,愿在筹备过程中能体会到神的丰盛恩典并祝愿感恩会能圆满进行。也愿福少的指导职员与契友们继续同心配搭,共同兴旺神的福音,带领更多迷失的灵魂认识那赐永生盼望的救赎主!我愿以箴言3章5-6节及提摩太前书4章12节与大家共勉之。 阿门




Declaration of my new Blog...

Finally, i start my own blog...Be4 tat, i just read others blog n i never think of to create one for myself. Well, it takes around half year for me to decide whether i should create my own blog, becoz i noe tat i m the one who dun like to write, express my own deep feeling by writing n the most reason is tat i dun like to spend my time in front of the screen for whole day 4 jsut writing some tiny mini nonsense things of part of my life...

Anyway, times chould change a person. To9, i be seized by a whim n feel like wanna create a blog for my own to record some sweet memories in my life. I think tat limning the blog is the best way for us to recall bek our past sweet memories. As we grow up, our ages wil increase but tis memories wil ever stick in our blogger...Hence,I wish to record my uni-life, church serving talk, my veli private opinions, wonderful relationship among my friends, some reports, n travelling pics as well as some "narcissism pics" in this blog to share to all of you who visit my blog...

Perhaps, you wil doubt tat wil tis blog stay long or jsut for the single article posted onli, haha...even i myself also cant promise it!!! Anyway, i wil try my best to post one to two articles in a single month...So, hope tat i can wisely use tis blog n express my own feelin n vision as well....

Hope my blur life wil end n become a veli organized and systematize leader in one day come true...N wish tat i can cognizance my goals as well as missions n fulfill them in the future...

Gambateh, Start ur Brand NeW LiFe N FaCing Ur CHallenGeS BrAvELy...GO GO GO.!!!...

Dear Jesus, Pls Be Wif Me ALong My JouRney...

I need u, Lord to guide me n steer me no matter i'm down or in climax...
