Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Prayer Isn't Easy...

I find the discipline of prayer to be challenging. There is a sense in which this reality perplexes me. Typically, I find that the more I engage in an activity the more adept I become in that activity. The exception to this rule in my life has been prayer.

I pray everyday and, as I read the Scriptures more and more, I struggle less with knowing what I ought to be praying for. Even still, I find prayer to be a challenge. As I pray, I struggle to focus. I struggle to keep distracting thoughts at bay. I struggle to appropriately engage my emotions for the things I’m praying about. I may pray everyday, but I confess there are occasions when I go for hours without even thinking about my need to communicate with God. That’s not good. I realize that goes against the instruction of the apostle Paul, who writes, “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

I want to be focused in my prayers. I want to pray for the things that matter most to God. And I want to care immensely about the things I’m praying for. I don’t want to simply say prayers; I want to pray. I want to wrestle with God’s will, and I want Him to wrestle back, bending my will to His.

Prayer isn’t easy……but it is essential!!!

How do you find prayer? What do you find to be most challenging? Most exciting? Most perplexing? Most rewarding?

God bless U...

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