Thursday, October 23, 2008

PM: Biotechnology as key development driver

KUALA LUMPUR: The country’s biotechnology industry could take advantage of the global concern over food and energy security by focusing on developing new and economically viable renewable fuel from palm oil.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the industry should leverage on Malaysia’s natural strengths like focusing on the palm oil industry.

“Innovative bio-refineries is a strategic area which will be looked at,” he told reporters at the third meeting of the Biotech International Advisory Panel here yesterday.

Abdullah said the meeting impressed the point that the world was different now compared with three years ago when the biotech initiative was first started.

To a question, he said Malaysia’s biotech industry was presently valued at RM1.3bil, with an expected annual growth of 22%, largely driven by the palm oil industry.

On the commercial availability of biofuel in the country, Abdullah said the necessary infrastructure must be developed first.

He also pointed out that it would be more profitable to convert palm oil to biofuel when the price of the commodity drops.

“When the price is down, they can choose biofuel. Then biofuel will have added value and the price will be higher,” he said.

Besides, Biotechnology will benefit all races and provide the direction for the country, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Biotechnology, as the main driver of development in the five economic corridors, has an important influence in agriculture, the environment, energy resources as well as future development of scientists, he said.

“With our three areas of focus - agriculture, healthcare and industrial development - biotechnology will have a tremendous influence in the direction of our country’s future,” he said at the opening of BioMalaysia 2008 yesterday.

He pointed out that the emphasis on biotechnology would pose a challenge to industry players.
Energy source: Abdullah looking at the Jatropha seeds while SaintifikSiatic Centre for Genome Technology Sdn Bhd senior executive Alex Kuek Chun Seng tells him about the crop that can produce biofuel at the exhibition held in conjunction with BioMalaysia 2008 in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Looking on is Dr Ongkili (centre).

“These areas (corridors) are multiracial and it (the benefit) is not for a particular race only.
“Biotechnology will help improve people’s lives. It will also produce many new courses in universities.”

The corridors are Sabah Development Corridor, Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy, Northern Economic Corridor Region, East Coast Economic Corridor and Iskandar Malaysia.
Abdullah hoped the application of biotechnology, including producing more effective medications, would give Malaysians a more healthy, vibrant and active lifestyle.

He said he was glad that the Biotech International Advisory Panel, which held its third meeting on Monday, recognised Malaysia’s effort to succeed in biotechnology.

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili said the three focus of biotechnology would be applied at the corridors based on their strengths and their needs.
He said the International Advisory Panel had advised that Malaysia go back to its strengths in marine and agriculture and find ways to add value to them.

He said the meeting felt it was the right time for Malaysia to market itself more aggressively, as the Americans and other investors were looking for alternative investment opportunities.
“Malaysia is a suitable alternative. With a reasonable high growth rate of 5.5%, we are able to absorb the shock (of the meltdown in the United States),” he said.

About 2,000 delegates took part in the three-day conference and exhibition.

Friday, October 17, 2008



  约翰福音14:26:“但保惠师,就是父因我的名所要差来的圣灵,他要将一切的事指教你们,并且要叫你们想起我对你们所说的一切话。”约翰福音16:13-14:“只等真理的圣灵来了,祂要引导你们明白一切的真理,因为祂不是凭自己说的,乃是把祂所听见的都说出来,并要把将来的事告诉你们。祂要荣耀我,因为祂要将受于我的告诉你们。”使徒行传1:8:“但圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必得着能力;并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒马利亚,直到地极,作我的见证。” 请注意,这几处耶稣预言圣灵最重要的经文中,没有一处说到圣灵来时,就有方言、医病、奇事、异象。如果这些现象真的是那么重要,为何耶稣的预言会漏了这些事情呢?如果讲方言就是圣灵的印记,耶稣应当会告诉门徒:“怎么知道圣灵降临呢?方言就是印记了”。






Wednesday, October 15, 2008












作者:全威 时间:2008-09-26 来源:基督日报

Monday, October 13, 2008

Jalan Jalan Cari Makan...

After 1st Cell Group Gathering in the church, we took the photo togehter be4 we leave...

Hehe, Where were we goin after the youth services??? Satay??? Yo...U r rite, we went to the famous satay town, Kajang to try out the super delicious satay there...As u can see the big bowl of kuah there, it tasted veli aptitude and felicitousness and THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is it is free of charge, so u can eat as much as u can....hiak hiak hiak, but it wil make u gastrectasia in the end. Besides, it also mated wif ketupat and cucumber.

Once again, we appeared in the photo while we were waiting for our WAITING FOR SO LONG satays to feed us...

Finally, they came...WAo, we ordered 30 ayam, 20 kambing, 20 lembu, 5 perut lembu, 5 hati ayam and 4 arnab...Among them, I liked the rabbit meat the most because it was sliminess and tenderly smooth...Since everyone of us r the "satay fans", we extra ordered 30 sticks of satay to filled our stomach finally...N the taste of satays made me "melt"...
After the meal, our gang took a photo to accept as a souvenir. There were 10 of us on that saturday nite. The main point to take tis pic was, can u see the bundles of sticks in the middle of the table??? hehe, we celebrated our victory!!! We had eaten 114 sticks of satays N plenty bowls of satay kuah tat nite!!!
N it costed how much for this satisfy and supernice meals??? It was jsut costed RM99.50...So next time if u wan go to Kajang for satay meals, dun hesitate to call me ya, i wil follow u and even be ur guide as well....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Beloved Christian Cell Group Members...

From left to right (front): Agnes, Veronica, Tina, Esther, Chen Zhu

From left to right (bek): Henry, Anthony, Dewei, Han Wei, Davey, Shin Hong, Shang Kai, Ah Liang

This is my cell group members...Yesterday nite (7/10/2008) was the last gathering among us for this year 2008. N thanks Lord tat our attendance was 100% tat nite...There were 14 people. Everyone came to the cell group, and we sang the song, read the bible and pray for each others together. We had a great moment and it was enjoyable and non-stop sharing nite...

Thanks Lord for giving me these variety characteristics of cell group's members...They all are special and marvellous...Some r nurses, some r genius in accounting and finance, and some r biotech-scholars, some r professional in engineering, and some r the music composer and piano teacher in the future...Besides, some r talkative, some r caring, some r quite pudency, some r humor and some r good in cooking as well

I love tis cell group because we can share everything without any hesitation and camouflage...Here, we shout, we sing, we chit chat, and even we cry together...We even end up our hari raya holidays by chit chatting from nite til the sun rise...It was a great experience and make our friendship to get closer...ALmost everyday we meet together for dinner, rambling pasar malam, and swim when we r free as well....

I love u all...and we meet again in Gua Tempurung (27/10/2008) ya...@ We gather again in year 2009....Take care and dun forget to read bible o...

Lets Rock for JESUS!!! AMEN!!!


Monday, October 6, 2008


一步步的踏入了熟悉的学校,为什么今天的阳光这么的阴沉? 为什么今天的云那么的黑暗? 上课的时候. 我跟神仙讲最近学校很肮脏. 问他有没有看到什么东西. 他说上个礼拜他给鬼骚扰了三次. 现在终于到我了.还一副奸笑,也不知道要这么应他.

很快的上课时间终于过了. 直觉告诉我这是鬼出现的最佳时机. 我和神仙马上跑. 跑去另一个没什么人走的楼梯. 在跑进楼下的厕所躲起来. 觉得鬼应该追不到我们了.过了两分钟, 我们逃离厕所. 有点玩resident evil 3的感觉. 那个nemesis慢慢接近我们. 好刺激! 马上抄宿舍的路回家. 想到鬼一定不会找到我们的. 很高兴, 也不禁为自己的聪明感到开心. 走着走者..电话响起了. 天! 我忘了现在鬼也会用电话了!

神仙跟我笑了笑, 叫我保重. 就这样当天我还是被鬼缠住了.其实鬼是我一个朋友.也许是在学校没有朋友. 导致他每次很喜欢粘人. 每次放学后都跟来我家. 来我家不用紧. 又问那些有的没有的问题. 搞到我功课都不可以做. 睡觉又不可以睡. 又不知道要整样拒绝他. 因为我真的不会讲鬼话.

最炸到的是上个礼拜我干爸去世. 我很没有心情要赶去JB他还硬硬要跟来我家. 我真的很怀疑他听不懂人话.今天一群好朋友现身帮我解开恶鬼的纠缠. 可是我想同样的方法不能一直用. 下个礼拜开始我想我应该要直接一点了. 毕竟这已经影响到了我的生活.

其实我知道他也不是一个坏人. 只是不是很懂人情事故. 拜托啊鬼, 不要在纠缠不清了!最多我烧多点东西给你..鬼, 如果你在看. 请原谅我的直接. 但我想说你还是有你的优点的. 比如你做功课很细心~ 不过拜托你多认识几个朋友. 不要每天都来我家好吗? 我真的是顶不顺了! 况解你又不是女生! 哈哈...

Linked from my buddy-佛主:
