Thursday, July 31, 2008


Hai, r u all so far??? Hope u all r in the best condition...

This week, I went for movies twice although it seems a busy week for me...Well, that feelings were extremely great after watching the movies in the cinema...Accompanying by the medium cup of Ais LEmoN TeA, sitting on the merely sofa type of cushion chair, enjoying such a fantastic PA system which carry out lots of sound effects and watching the marvellous movies...It made me forget everything temporary and just put on my mind focusing to the story...


The Dark Knight, or Batman...YO, I like that joker veli much, coz He is awesome...The way he acted and his self-confidence made me to give him a big applause. Although he is a antagonist in this show, well the wisdom and the leadership that he owned is definitely suprizing me!!! He knew the demerit of humans and He used these "advantages" to control the city...Well, he is a monstrosity wise man. His plans and tactics made me curious to move further. He liked to control the city and forced the citizens to fear him. But, He din like the US dollars, he burned up all the money eventually.

Another character that I like veli much is Harvey Dent, who acted as a commissioner of police. He brought out the message to the world. He lost his lover who had bombed in the tragedy and his face was disfigurement by the joker. He ended up with the two different faces. Half of the face stil remain and another one was ruin. It means that this world contains various types of ppl, no matter good and evil. So, we should always be a positive one but not negative. We have to stand firm on our own personality and views although the world is changing. Dun let others to fall us!!!

31/07/2008-Thursday :

The Mummy 3, acutally I din notice this movie untill last tuesday I saw the trailer while I went for The Dark Knight. This movie is a grand tailor production. The story line is good and there's no boredomness in between. Every few minutes, It will suddenly make me jumped up or down or emitted scream. I liked the mummy 3. The graphical effects and the real "bone man" made me really stand in the amazement. The humors of the actors and actresses also made me feel delighted and joyful. Well, the weapons they used to fight and the plans they used to stop the resurrection of the mummy employer are making me from "mission impossible" mindset to possible in the last.

Well, I like these kind of movies. It is grand and contains a little bit of humors and romance as well. Besides, this story also brought out the message which teaches us to humble down ourselves and always be humility to others. When we are facing the obstacles and challenges, we should let go our egoism and the self-esteem, like the witch bet her eternal life and the self-esteem in the end to battle with the employer. She died but she save the world and complete the mission to destroy the Ming dynasty. She also use the abracadabra to call up the "bone men"
to fight for justice. Besides, three Snowmen also imply in this story to let the mummys' fighters safely arrived to the Shagralilla to stop the employer...haha, It is ridiculous yet it happens!!!

Wao wao wao...sounds like I be sweet on watching movies nowadays. For me, it's really worthy by just spend RM6 for a movie and RM2.50 for one medium cup of AiS LeMon TeA....

Next Movie : Wall.E (14/08/2008)

Saturday, July 26, 2008


最近的我,一直快乐不起来...每天只会发呆.看到别人在欢笑的时候,我只是坐在那里呆呆的,一点想笑的意思都没有...难道我离队了?还是我搞孤立呢?? 真不明白...

嗨...有时很想离开那样吵吵闹闹的环境,很想一个人到海边走走,听一听海浪美妙的旋律在颠簸着...然后,躺在沙滩上,吹一吹海风,再来一个知心良友,无所不谈的分享,再配一配冷冷的Ais Lemon Tea...哇,那感觉真的是一级棒...真是无忧无虑,自由自在...

为什么我会变酱呢??? 以前的我,应该是开心果啊...没有脾气,没有烦恼...现在呢,反而烦恼一大堆...难道一颗星星真的不能永远闪亮着夜晚吗??? 如果有月光的照耀,难道星星就不再重要吗???也许要搭配搭配吧,酿欣赏夜景的人们才会看到夜晚的天空永远都是酱的美...


因为我发现教会也不一定是"真爱"的教会,里头也有很多的斗争不合,意见多多,假冒为善等...还有,假如我们只顾自己的一群,自己在一角疯疯癫癫,我们怎能融入新朋友加入我们呢? 感觉跟外头寻找刺激的迷失朋友们没两样,我们的属灵气氛到那里了?? 彼此相爱的心和与人同感的心活出来了吗???

我真的要学习像吴医生的比喻一样,要做个Remote Control的人(无论环境如何,我们还是控制那个温度的人);而不是Thermometer(随着环境影响而改变温度的人)...我应当学习无论在顺境或在逆境,不看人只看神的信心,站稳自己的信仰立场,定睛仰望并学向耶稣...




Friday, July 25, 2008

A standing joke of Politician...

When Dr. Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia

One lousy day in the middle of the economic crisis, PM Mahathir was feeling extremely frustrated and wondering how a neighboring country can be doing better than Malaysia.

One of his aides said, I heard that the leaders consult Feng Shui masters to ensure prosperity for the country. Dr Mahathir thought if that was the case, Malaysia Bomoh also can, and went to seek the top bomoh's advice in the country.

After reviewing the case, the bomoh told Dr M that there were 2 things that he must do :

Bomoh : Step 1. You must blame the crisis on SOROS for everything.

Dr M : But Why ?

Bomoh: Because SOROS stands for 'Speculate On Ringgit Or Stocks'.You must blame him, and look at ways to control the ringgit and stock market.

Bomoh : Step 2 - You must get rid of ANWAR.

Dr M: What! why him ?

Bomoh: Because ANWAR stands for 'A Nation Without Any Ringgit'.

Dr M: But how ? This is most difficult to do, he is popular with the people.

Bomoh : Aiyoh, you bodoh lah! Look at your name, MAHATHIR..Make Anwar Homosexual And Then Highlight It Repeatedly

This one lagi best. The latest according to the trend.
Subject: M.A.H.A.T.H.I.R

This is a new acronymn... stands for:


Monday, July 21, 2008

TaKe A BrEaK...

For those who cares me and always updates wif my blog, I guest that u should noe that i was in China last 2 weeks ago...Well, i havent get myself available yet to upload some great and marvellous pictures durin Guangzhou+Shenzhen+Hongkong+Macau trip. Hope the readers wil wait for it patiently...I wil post it systematically once i m free...

By the way, i was just bek from the campus rite nw, and i can disengagement from those hectic exams and plenty of homeworks as well as assingments temporary(accurately,jsut for to9 onli) ...Phiu, tis 2 weeks really made my life suffer.(maybe it's wat we called "feasting 1st before suffering" in Chinese Verb)And u noe, I sat for 3 exams within this week. Well, this is the toll.

Friday= Java Programming (but the funny thing happened,My dear Amutha put my aeroplane, she claimed that she forgot to bring her exam papers came...Then, the exam had to postpone to Monday and what did i read on that day = wasted!!!)

Satuday= Calculus (I thought this cute Mr.Ong wil put my aeroplane as well, u noe y??? He is really VVVIP, I sat at his office and waited from 10.55am-11.45am yet He asked me to come at 11.00am. Moreover, when he came and saw me, he asked me "am i looking for Him?"...wat is ur reaction at that moment if u were the one who was in this circumstance?? It's Really Speechless ==})

Monday= Java and Chemistry (Thanks Lord that Miss Amutha din forget to bring along her exam papers anymore and my super pretty charming Miss Marisol kindly let me do the exam at her office. She is really sympathetic. She asked me to do the exam in another room becoz some silly lecturers keep on chatting at the office and din even care for the student who was doin the exam. Besides, she also take standard height chair to me when she saw me sittin on a over-high stool which made me inconvenience to write!!!)

After these 3 papers, i stil left Bio paper. Well, I should be grateful coz Miss Lai purposely postponed Bio mid-term to this thursday jsut becoz I cant attend for the test if the test was held on 2 weeks ago... TQ Miss Lai!!! Besides mid term exams, Bio Assignment; Java Assignment; Bio Lab Reports; Chemistry Lab Reports are chasing after me as well...God, I need ur Strength, Power and Holy Spirit!!! Empower me and Brim me to the fullest!!! Somehow, I am stil sick...Lord, recover me with ur almighty hands...

Let me soar like an eagle. Remain my faith in U. As U, are the JeHOVAH, King of Kings and Lord of Lords...Amen

Friday, July 4, 2008

5/6-7/6 2008 PIMYF Dusun Eco飞跃青春生活营之回忆篇 (by: Kueenz)

Lord..I need u, EmPOWeR me wif UR elevation wisdom @ Holy SpiRiT!!!


主耶穌對這個男子說要交付他做一件事,然後在男子的房間外面出現了一塊巨大的石。主耶穌要求這男子盡力去推這石塊。如是者,這男子一天一天的去做。過了幾年,每天從日出至日落,他用肩膀推著那表面寒冷、粗糙而且永都推不動的石塊。每晚,這男子極其疲累的回到房間,卻覺得自己的努力是徒然的。 隨著心中的失望,敵人也悄悄對他軟弱的意志說:「你一直努力的推那石塊,但它何曾動過?為什麼要這樣折磨自己?你一生也不會推得動它了。」就這樣,這男子更認為主耶穌所托付他的是絕不可能做到,同時亦認為自己失敗了。這些想法令這男子很沮喪。「為什麼我要如此折磨自己?」他想,「倒不如我只付出少少時間,少少力量便夠了。」


主耶穌恩慈的回應說「朋友,我要求你事奉我,而你也應允。我所要求的是盡你力量去推這石塊,而你也用到了。我可曾要求你把它推動呢?你的工作只是要推它,但你現在到我面前,竟很疲乏的說你失敗?可是,真的失敗嗎?看吧,你的一雙手臂鍛鍊得很強壯,你直挺的背也曬得黑黑的,你的手掌因一直受壓而變得厚了,你的腿壯健了。因這些衝擊你成長了不少,而能力超越以前。你並沒有把石塊推得動, 你只被蒙召去順服,鍛鍊你對我智慧的信心便夠了。這些都是你做到的,而現在,朋友啊,是我來把石塊推動的時候了。」當我們聽到上帝的話語後,總會用自己的智慧去猜度上帝想要什麼,其實上帝只要我們單單服從及信靠。即是說,我們要去鍛鍊可以挪移大山的信心,但仍知道當情況轉差時,只需去「推」 (p.u.s.h.);

禱告 直至 有些事情 發生!
( Pray Until Something Happens!)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dissection of Frog @ Rat...

Anwar Ibrahim out from Turkey Embassy...


日子每天不断的向前迈进, 时间还是一样的溜走, 呼吸一刻从没听过, 只是你和我已经不是情侣的身份了...

也许是我一时冲动所做的决定, 也可能是我藏在心里已久想说的话...

难道真的是我没有心再维持这段感情吗?? 还是我已经找不回从前那天真,善解人心的你呢??

两年了...说长不长, 说短又不短...这段日子里, 我相信我们都经历过生活四味, 酸甜苦辣; 一开始的时候我们好像童话中的王子与公主一样, 每天上课一回到家, 我第一件做的事情就是打开电话等待你的讯息, 每天就是酱的过,有你讯息的陪伴, 当时我感觉被人疼爱真是太幸福了...还记得你的名句:"船到桥头自然直"!!! 哈哈, 当我为某些事情烦恼的时候,你就是酱陪伴我,安慰我,让我度过每一个难关...

我也慢慢开始珍惜你...之后就很自然的从"朋友之上,恋人未满"的关系升级到爱人了...一切都是美好的开始, 还记得你温暖的手, 你那可爱又搞笑的声音, 一头还未经过离子烫的长发...就这样我们经历了爱情的滋味...

之后,因为升学的缘故, 我一个人出来西马求学了...而你,还在中学. 可是,当时因为团契的"严家律法", 我们为了江山,而放弃了美人...当时真的很心疼, 也流了泪...虽然我们当时短暂的分离, 可是我们每天几乎还有联系. 那时, 听到你好多人追求, 我也许因为占据心太重, 而不舍得你, 结果最后我们又复合了...那时起,我更加肯定你在我心中的地位了...

你是一位非常优秀的良家少女, 你学业一级棒, 辩论又顶呱呱, 弹琴也有我的风格喔, 心地又慷慨善良...嗨,可是我真的太失败了,这么棒的一位女生我竟然放弃...也许是我们的话题不同了吗?? 彼此的目标出了问题吗?? 还是真的没有心去经营这份感情呢?? 长距离的恋爱真的不易...我承认我自私, 我无情, 我没顾你的感受...但,这些日子以来,我想谢谢你的付出,你的包容忍耐,还有你的心声...为了不让这么优秀的你继续等着每天对你冷冷的我, 我觉得让你有更疼爱你的男人爱是值得的...我也不愿意让你每天为我而不放心, 还有也不想见到你因为我个人的目标,报复而连累了你...

我最后选择回到单身的生活, 和你做回朋友. 不是因为我变心了,不是因为我不爱你了...而是我认为我需要调整好自己的生活方式了, 我不能兼顾这么多东西了...现在的我,只想好好的搞好我的学业, 重建我与神那亲密的关系, 还有帮助我身边需要帮助的朋友...感情,这玩意儿, 我承认我还是不懂的经营. 好比买车容易,maintenance难喔!!! 我还不懂得要如何将一杯咖啡每天都保持在最好喝的温度中...我也觉得拖下去也没完没了, 最后就果断的作了这决定...伤心肯定是有的, 不然朋友为何问我这几天一直发呆, 因为再回忆这我和你的甜蜜时光...哈,下一次见到你的时候,我们会有什么的表情呢? 会说些什么呢??...
